1 - Welcome remarks - Honourable Minister J Michael Miltenberger

2 - Welcome remarks - Honourable Minister Robert C McLeod

3 - Dedication to Ross McKay - Chris Burn

4 - Introduction to Permafrost - Michel Allard

5 - Introduction to Permafrost - Steve Kokelj

6 - Pan Territorial Adaptation Partnership

7 - Our Changing Homelands Our Changing Lives - Norma Kassi

8 - Permafrost in Yellowknife - Steve Wolfe

9 - Community based monitoring in Yukon - Brendan Mulligan &

10 - Vegetation and hydrology changes - Jennifer Baltzer

11 - Landscape changes and adaptation - Doug Esagok & Chris

12 - Remote sensing in the Arctic - Adrian McCradle & Jon Leig

13 - Thermosyphons - Brent Wall

14 - Yukon Permafrost Network - Sarah Laxton

15 - Northern Infrastructure Standardization Initiative

16 - Mapping ground movement and permafrost temperature - A

17 - Mapping landscape hazards in Yukon - Bronwyn Benkert,

18 - Permafrost vulnerability assessment in Jean Marie River -

19 - Mapping and community planning in Nunatsiavut - Trevor Bell

20 - 4D mapping in Clyde River - Ellen Pond

21 - Adaptation and permafrost the importance of partnerships

22 - Effects of Climate Change on permafrost and the Dempster

23 - Building infrastructure in Nunavut - John Watson

24 - Climate Change impacts on the state of permafrost in Inuvi

25 - Building ground temperature monitoring - Edward Cormier

26 - Tools for assessing roofs and foundations - Mark Porter

27 - Key Note Address - Sheila Watt Cloutier

28 - Developing infrastructure forensic analysis system - Alison

29 - Alaska Highway permafrost mapping - Fabrice Calmels &

30 - ARQULUK program - Julie Malenfant Lepage

31 - Iqaluit International Airport Improvement Project - John Ha

32 - Permafrost infrastructure research in Great Slave Region

33 - NWT Highway 3 Vulnerability Assessment - Lukas Arenson

34 - Exploration sumps in permafrost - Steve Kokelj

35 - Giant Mine arsenic remediation - Peter Mikes

36 - Permafrost research to support hydrocarbon development